Patellofemoral pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral pain syndrome, also known as “runners’ knee,” is a general term for pain arising from a patellofemoral joint (Knee joint). It is a chronic condition that can worsen by activities such as going up the stairs, long sitting, squatting, and running. The construction of the knee allows for multi-directional movement. As the knee moves back and forth, tilts and rotates, the patella moves along a groove in the femur.
Characteristics/Clinical Presentation
Causes of patellofemoral pain Syndrome
Risk Factors for developing Patellofemoral pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral pain syndrome usually affects Yonge adults.
Females are twice more likely than men to develop Patellofemoral pain. This can be because women’s wider pelvis increases the bones’ angle in the knee joint meet.
Sports that involve lots of jumping and activities can put more stress on the individuals’ knee joint
Physiotherapy Management for Patellofemoral pain syndrome
In York-med physiotherapy, our registered physiotherapists and chiropractors carefully assess your knee and provide an appropriate treatment plan for each patient. This includes: