asian woman with elbow pain,extensor carpi radialis brevis
Golfer’s Elbow:
Golfers elbow is a relatively common injury that often occurs due to overuse and typically causes pain at the inner aspect of the elbow. It is a similar condition to tennis elbow but affects the elbow’s inner aspect rather than the outer aspect.
The main cause of Golfer’s elbow:
Golfer’s elbow usually results from a sudden increase in activity or overuse of the flexor muscles of the wrist and fingers. Still, it may also have a progressive onset, worsening over time with no obvious cause. The most common muscle involved is the “Flexor Carpi Radialis,” but other muscles may also be involved.
Sign and symptoms of Golfer’s Elbow:
Physiotherapy Management for Golfer’s Elbow:
At York-med Physiotherapy, our registered physiotherapists will perform a comprehensive examination of your elbow and the surrounding joints to fully understand how your Golfers Elbow affects you and your life. With this information, they will create a personalized program to treat your Golfer’s Elbow. Typically, this will involve manual therapy techniques designed to decrease your pain levels and return your elbow to full mobility. Your treatment plan will also include exercises to help your treatment and rehabilitate you back to full function.